VoxelSensors participates in the Horizon Europe SPEAR project in AI and Robotics

VoxelSensors is excited to announce its participation in the “SPEAR: Spatial Perception & Embodied Autonomy Research” project under Horizon Europe.

“We are pleased to collaborate on this project, focusing on adapting our Switching Pixels® Active Event Sensor (SPAES) – serial spatial 3D data format for drones. This adaptation promises to significantly enhance drone navigation in challenging conditions, thanks to SPAES’ low-power consumption and low-latency 3D perception subsystem,” shared Andre Miodezky, CGO of VoxelSensors.

SPEAR project aims to transform aerial robotics by tailoring designs for specific missions and environments. Using evolutionary algorithms, a blend of materials, diverse sensors, efficient propulsion, and deep neural networks, SPEAR creates adaptable robots. The goal is to develop efficient, resilient, and safe aerial robots optimized for specific tasks. This project has the potential to shift aerial robot design from human-led to automated, task-specific models.

SPEAR responds to the HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-06 solicitation, building on the expertise of institutions like NTNU (Coordinator, NO), TU Delft (NL), Lulea Technological University (SE), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL), IMEC (BE), ETH Zurich (CH), University of Paderborn (DE), VoxelSensors (BE), Biodrone (NO), and the Center for Security Studies (GR).

Official text: Link.